First Draft 3.5

First Draft is designed for writers who struggle from slow typing speeds and/or writer’s block. The software generates an article based on a product name and a couple of other related keywords which writers can modify to their heart’s content. All spelling, grammar, and punctuation is an automated process – ultimately enabling writers to focus on communication rather than mechanics.

It’s a terrific option for writers, bloggers, and content providers who are required to provide reading material within a short amount of time.
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54 votes Vote

make First Draft compatible with Firefox and other browsers not just IE

Abe, 04.09.2015, 09:05
-1 comment
24 votes Vote

see an 'undo' button. After inserting some text, I at first selected and deleted. I then wondered if CTRL-Z would work. It did. But this may not be apparent to some users.

RandallK, 04.09.2015, 08:37
0 votes Vote

have several full 500+ word article draft templates already available so I can just insert my keywords and change a few sentences where need be.

downloader, 04.09.2015, 13:49
0 votes Vote

Needs to import from Office and OpenOffice

I write my stuff in OpenOffice and prefer to save it in that format. The program should allow documents to be shared between programs. And publishers and editors have certain requirements for documents including format. Any program that can't work...
Patrick McNamara, 04.09.2015, 16:17
0 votes Vote

how about a Mac version please?

T., 04.09.2015, 16:33
0 votes Vote

Have a template that generates poetic prose

DFunk, 05.09.2015, 11:38